Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

We had fun celebrating Ryan's first Father's Day.  It was so special to also have Kiri dedicated on Father's Day.

Here are some pictures of Ryan and Kiri from June and from Father's Day in particular.

Kiri loves her Daddy.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kiri's Dedication

Today we presented Kiri for dedication at our church, Ecclesia Denver. This is an opportunity for us as parents to commit to raising Kiri to know and love God. It is also a time for our family, friends and faith community members to vow to know and encourage Kiri as a child of God.  As most of our family lives out of Colorado, it is really important to us to have the support of our faith community.

Kiri's godparents are David and Tabitha (Ryan's brother-in-law and sister) and Joshua and Briana (Britta's brother-in-law and sister).  Briana was present to represent the family and godparents.

Here are some pictures from the dedication.

June 17, 2012

St. Cajetan's on the Auraria Campus where Ecclesia meets

Briana and Kiri

Alison and Britta

Family Photo

A special Father's Day
Kiri and Bobbie Jo

Joe and Heather, Britta and Ryan and our respective girls

10th Anniversary

We celebrated our 10th Anniversary last weekend.

June 8, 2002
We decided to take Kiri on her first overnight trip to the mountains. Mom and Kiri went Jeeping on Shrine Pass while Daddy bicycled up and down Vail Pass.

The theme of Beaver Creek is "Not Exactly Roughing It." Kiri took that to heart as she stretched out at our room at the Westin.

We ate some great meals and enjoyed the wonderful view.

And the pastry chef can write better in chocolate syrup than I can with ink.

It was a wonderful weekend. And Kiri really loved it in the mountains. The hotel and restaurant staff kept saying we had such a beautiful and well behaved baby. A success for all.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

One month pictures and highlights

A few pictures from the day she turned one month old compared to her picture on day one.

May 2, 2012
June 2, 2012

Kiri's first month highlights:
* Started out being told by every nurse and doctor how beautiful she was.
* Wore cloth sunglasses for a little jaundice treatment
* Loves tummy time
- Will turn her head side to side up to 10 times
- Will happily do tummy time for 20 minutes
- Figured out how to turn herself in a semi-circle
- Took her first scoot forward launching herself from knees and elbows
* Loves bath time
* Was 6lbs 15 oz at 2 week pediatrician visit, surpassing her birth weight
- Pediatrician called her a very active baby
* Got visitors from far away including her Oma and Gpa, Grandpa and Grandma, Great Aunt and Great Uncle and cousins once removed
* Got lots of local visitors and bringers of delicious meals

Mom's reflections:
Wow. Look at how much she has grown and changed already.
She is sleeping more at night which makes for a happier mommy and daddy.
For such a small package, she burbs like a sailor. (Really, it echos in our house)
She is a standout at tummy time, but advanced as I might think she is, she seems to think milk comes from her right hand when she is hungry. We have to do a little battle to get her bottle to her.
I am way more patient as my baby's manicurist than for caring for my own nails.
Having meals brought over by friends has been a real help and a real treat. Thanks!
Becoming a mom has been great and I really love seeing my husband become a dad.
I loved my first mother's day as a mom and it was so special to have my own mom arrive that day.
I love my daughter and I love taking care of her and figuring out what she wants and needs.