Sunday, September 30, 2012

See how I've grown - in my carseat

Yep, Kiri is still a little baby, but she's come a long way in less than 5 months.  Here's a comparison in her carseat. The first picture is on her way home from the hospital at three days old. The other is from last weekend when she was 4.5 months old.

3 things I didn't expect when becoming a mom

Now that I am approaching 5 months of being a mom, I thought I'd reflect on the things I didn't expect. I have many friends having babies right now and thought this may be useful.

1) Milk and baby dishes
I knew that keeping at breast feeding was important and I took full advantage of the lactation specialists at the hospital to get help. However, I totally underestimated the full-time job of being a food source. Between feeding, pumping and baby dishes, there just wasn't a lot of other time in those first couple months. Most surprising to me was baby dishes. I bought extra bottles and pumping supplies, but you have to keep washing in order to have them ready for next feedings. To this day, I spend more time on this activity than I had ever perceived as needed. And to those of you who have multiple kids, I'll need to know how you juggle this with other little ones running around.

2) Healing takes time

Birth, in my case, was a bit of an ordeal. But even if it hadn't been, there is some real healing for your body. As I felt better, I realized that I hadn't been in very good shape right after birth. I had a very healthy pregnancy and was working out with my trainer until the end, but birthing took a lot out of me. Give yourself time and rest.

3) She is portable and personable
Want to go out? Do it now while your baby is little. We happened to have a bunch of big occasions right after our baby was born - birthdays, 10th anniversary. We brought baby along to fancy meals out and she was always great. The servers and patrons remarked on our cute and quiet baby. She's so easily fascinated by lights and other people that restaurants are an ideal setting for her best behavior. We have the advantage that Colorado's fanciest places are still more casual than other places, but we didn't have a problem bringing her out to any fine dining establishments.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Four months pictures and highlights

September 2, 2012

Four month highlights
* Even more smiling and loud giggling
* Holds up her own head
* Pushes herself up on her arms
* Rolls from side to side (but not over) 
* Growing - feet stick out over edge of carseat 
* Started attending daycare
* First airplane trip
* First time to Minnesota, her second state visited
* First time in a wedding, flower girl for her Uncle Garrett and Aunt Kayla
* Received her first passport
* Had her first cold

Mommy's Reflections
Kiri turned 3 months old right as Ryan hurt his back. That has impacted our routines a bit and impacted her first out of state trip. We flew, rather than drove, to Minnesota for Garrett and Kayla's wedding. Kiri was the flower girl or flowerbaby as I called her. Kiri was a champ on both flights, though it was easier on the way out when Krista was traveling with us. Kiri did a great job for the wedding and I was quite happy to walk down the aisle and know that no one was looking at me. She was just fine being passed around to family and friends. She didn't like the very loud music during the dance, but was just fine when we retreated back from the speakers. She was tuckered out at the end and did a great job as a flowerbaby.

Kiri also started daycare this month. Everyone is wondering how I am doing with that. Just fine is the answer. I like the provider, I don't feel there are too many kids and I feel she is well cared for. It was nice that she could be at home with us for three months between myself, Daddy and Krista, but as a working mom, it had to happen sometime.

Ryan and I have been abundantly blessed by Kiri. We often sit around and marvel at her. This little human, our daughter. She entertains and amazes us.

4 month family photo

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Flowerbaby Weekend Part 3 - The Reception

And then it was time to eat, sing, and dance. Garrett and Kayla threw a great party. Kiri was awake for most of it and got held by lots of extended family members.

Caleb didn't feel like posing for this family photo

Cousin Denise

Great Great Aunt Kathy

Great Aunt Joanne

Cousins Amy and Kyle

Great Great Aunt Bitti

Cousins Doug and Tim and Aunt Briana

Great Uncle Tom

Uncle Garrett and Aunt Kayla Dance

Bad Back Club

Great Uncle Dennis

Kiri and Oma delight in one another

Four Generations

All done being Flowerbaby. Can I eat my dress now?


Flowerbaby Weekend Part 2 - The Wedding
August 4th was the special day for Garrett and Kayla's wedding. They asked Kiri to be the Flower Girl and she agreed. But since she is so little, we called her the Flowerbaby.

The wedding was a chance to meet even more family and her cousin Caleb, the Ringbearer.

Ur Oma, Aunt Krista, and Oma
Aunt Greta

All Seven Siblings - youngest to oldest

Caleb and Kiri made a cute entrance
Aunt Briana was up front motivating Caleb to come toddling down.

Congrats, Mr. and Mrs.!

Great Great Aunt Holly and Great Great Uncle Roger

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blessing Dinner

Flowerbaby Weekend Part 1
In my family we have a tradition of a more casual rehearsal dinner.  A rehearsal isn't always involved and if we do something a little more casual, more people can come and relax and get to know the other family a little better before the wedding.  And we ask the families and close friends to share stories, memories and blessings for the couple. This is a Blessing Dinner.

My brother Garrett and his bride, Kayla, had a Blessing Dinner the night before their wedding and it also served as Kiri's first chance to meet the extended family.  They delighted in her and she delighted in them.

Ur Oma and Great Grandpa Bill greet Kiri

Ur Oma can't take her eyes off Kiri

Kiri enjoys the attention

Ur Oma and Great Great Aunt Bitti

Uncle Garrett

Chillin' with Great Grandpa

Aunt Krista and Aunt Lauren sing a special and silly song for the couple

Garrett and Kayla enjoy the customized version of "I Got You Babe"

Kiri feels right at home in Oma's arms

With cousin Kyle