Saturday, May 4, 2013


One Year Old
And then she wakes up and is one.
Well, there were many days and steps before that, but it did all pass by rather quickly.
She says uh-oh and da. Though da is what she says for almost everything.
She shares and offers you toys.
She loves pancakes.
She walks. Everywhere.
She started those first tentative steps right after 11 months and now she zooms to wherever she wants to go.
She babbles. She likes to "read" us books by babbling an appropriate length and then turning the page.

Everywhere she goes we hear "oh what beautiful big blue eyes."
She melts hearts.
She coos and snuggles.

She likes to say "ooo" and point.
She likes to snuggle with all her stuffed animals. Especially her bunnies.

She is growing. She is in the 50% for height and 30% for weight.
She has five teeth.

She has the most adorable pouty bottom lip when she is unhappy. It juts straight out and those big blue saucers plead with you to make it better. I don't think I have a picture because it is so precious it makes me laugh and then she can't stay upset.

She likes phones and remotes. She likes to press buttons over and over. She will turn up the volume on the receiver over and over until she scares herself with how loud it gets.
She loves her trucks and backhoe and elemental building blocks.

She loves to giggle. She loves when you scoop her up and dance. She loves hanging upside down.
She loves to crawl over daddy when he is doing his exercises. She has a great downward dog.

She loves carrots, sweet potatoes and chicken with apples. She loves bites from daddy's plate and pancakes. She does not care for peas nor avocado nor peaches.

When she is tired, she rubs her hair.
She sleeps with her head down, butt up in the air with her knees underneath.
She is a good sleeper.

She is a tremendous little person and we love her dearly.